

  Hello everyone! Welcomeback t y blgo.Today i am going to be announcing u that , i crated another bloggeer account where i post some Roblox stuff.It is named  ._.fayplaysrblx._. Ya,Thats it .U can chek it out and i hope that u will like it .I am going to ahve it linked down 


  Hi everyone and welcome back to my blog.So, as you can see on top of ur page, i have a Roblox account now. So, i would really appreciate it if u could follow me there. Some games that i like to play are Adopt me,all the Obbies, and some other games. I can't tell that i am a rich one on  Adopt me, but i have some ultra rare pets, such as koala, bee, frog and red ginger cat. Also don't forget to send me a friend request,and comment down bellow ur Roblox username. SHOUTOUTS!: 📢📢📢FOLLOW ME ON PINTEREST(Fay k.) , AND COMMENT DOWN BELOW #SHPUTPUT TO WIN A PINTEREST SHOUTOU! Bye!


 Hi everyone and welcome back to my blog.Today i am going to be telling you some things that you can do when you are on a 6 hour road trip.So lets get started. 1)Sleep. What is better than sleeping? 2)Listen to music You can download some songs from Spotify  or download any app you can listen to music offline. 3)Movies Download a Netflix movie and spend your time watching. 4)Photos When you are on a 6 hour road trip you will see something you like for sure!So?Take some pictures! 5)Foodddddddd Eat! 6)Stops Stop every 2-3 hours to stretch and get a snack for somewhere. 7)Read a book Finally you can read a book you like And that was it for today, i hope you liked it.I am also really really sorry for making such a long time to post anything, but as i told you, my blogger had a problem and now we are fixing it

Diy Stickers💫

                      DIY Stickers💫  Hi everyone and welcome back to my blog.Today i am going to show you how you can easily DIY some stickers.So lets get started! To make the stickers you will need: tape(You have to use the big one, because they won;t work out so good) scissors the stickers you want to make printed innormal paper,or you can simply draw them. HOW TO MAKE THEM: First go to Pinterestor Google, and search for thge stickers you want. Then, open a ward dowcument.Fir this step if you don't have Word, you can take the screeenshots of the stickers you want, and put them into a collage, and there are also many collages on Pinterest like this one.  And then, all you have to do, is printing them. When you have printed the, cut them out, sand then take some wax paper, and place some tape over there.Then, place the sticker on otp, lke you ware going to see i the pictures, and Finally add anotherpiece of paper onn top ...


        WHY I MAKE SO MUCH TO POST SOMETHING?  Hi everyone and welcome back to my blog.So you may have noticed that i do a long time to post something and you also may wonder why. Sometimes my Blogger stops working, or i have no time.But now i have fixed it up, and i am going to have new post every  Saturday+one Sunday special tomorrow, so keep an eye on here.Bye !


                EASY BATH BOMS   Hi there!Welcome back to my blog.Today i m going to show you how you can make easy bath bombs.So now lets go ahead and get started! YOU WILL NEED: 2 tbs backing soda 4 tbs cornstarch 2 tbs citric acid 2 tbs salt 1-1  1/2 water 1 tsp  essential oil of our choice 1 tsp base oil 1-2 drops food coloring HOW TO MAKE IT? In a bowl, mix all the solid materials, and in another one all the liquid materials. Then, mix them together until they turn into something like sand. After that, take a circle cup, and put the sand inside, press and then take it of.                              These amounts are for one bath bomb!_ And that was it for today, i hope you like it, if you did don't feorget to share it with your friends, and also let me know down in th comments, if you tried it!Bye!


                MY NIGHT ROUTINE Hi there! Welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to show you my night routine. So let's go ahead and get started. My night ritine begins at about 8 o clock, when I come back from a short walk Then the next that I do,is having a shower.  After that i Just wear my pyjamas, and have dinner. For dinner I don't have anything special, so today i had some milk with cereals. Then i brush my teeth and my face. Next if it is weekend, I watch a movie on my laptop.If  it is pretty  late  I go to bed.  And that was it off today I hope you liked it, and see you tomorrow. Bye !


              ROOM TOUR!!! Hi there! Welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to show you my room. So let's get started!!! The first thing you see when you come in  my room is my bed.  Then  I have my desk. On it there is a pencil case, a school  supplies set, my laptop and a cacti.  Moving left, there is my bookcase, which is huge AND most of my thinks are on it. In the first two shelves I have bookS and in the others random stuff.  On the walls i have a megnetinc pad for notes and a drawing which I don't really like.  And that was it for today, I hope you liked it. Don't forget to share it with your frieds and follow me on Pinterest:Fay k.  Bye!!!


     10 FUN IDEAS FOR WHAT TO DO WHEN         YOU ARE BOARED AT HOME😀    Hi everyone and welcome back to my blog.Today I am going to show you 10 ideas for what to do when you are boared at home.I know that I had made another post like that before, but theese days we all are really boared so thta was a good idea.So now lets go ahead and lets get started. 1)Indoor Camping.You can use  blancets, pillows,and lights(i even added a frame,pencilcase and notebook!).Here you can have your book or something else. 2) Make something to eat. You can make your breakfast or a snack.  3)Try a new activity.If you have a telescope or something else you want to try out and you hadn't time it is the perfect change.I had a telescope so I tryied to use it from my window.I liked it but, it could be better if I was outside.I sam going to try this from my balcony! 4)Watch movie or a comedy.You can start a series that yo...


         HOW TO MAKE SUPER EASY SLIME  Hi everyone and welcome back to my blog.Today I am going to show how you can make a super easy slime.So lets start!!! INGREDIENTS water sugar flour for all uses food coloring(if you want) a bowl/+a spoon HOW TO MAKE IT?😮 1)In the bowl you pour the water 2)Then you add some sugar 3)After you mix them well you add the food coloring(if you want) 4)Then you must add a LITTLE  flour and mix it. You must do this until it goes out to slime. ALSO: If your slime sticks  you must add some oil. BUT: It is normal if it sticks in the beginning So that was it fro today,I hope you liked it,don't forget to write me down in the comments if you liked it and see you next time!Bye!